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Stephen W. Clyde
Brigham Young University
Provo, UT 86402
Abstract: A review of the Object Modeling Technique (OMT) is presented. OMT is an object-oriented method
described by Rumbaugh, et. al. in the book Object-oriented Modeling and Design. These notes provide a
summary of OMT, as well as a list of its strengths and weaknesses. In addition, a thorough description of OMT
models and the OMT methodology is provided in the Appendix. This description is in the form of an Object-
oriented Systems Analysis (OSA) model.
The Object Modeling Technique (OMT) is an object-oriented analysis, design, and
implementation methodology that focuses creating a model of objects from the real world and
then using this model to develop object-oriented software. OMT was developed by James
Rumbaugh, et. al., at General Electric’s Research and Development Center. The comments in
this review are based on their book, Object-oriented Modeling and Design [Rumbaugh-1991].
In general, the software engineering community has not yet come to a consensus on the meaning
of "object-oriented". So like most authors, Rumbaugh and his co-authors introduce their ideas
with a discussion on what they believe are the important characteristics of an object-oriented
approach. The following quotes summarize their perspective:
Superficially the term "object-oriented" means that we organize software as a
collection of discrete object that incorporate both data structure and behavior....
There is some dispute about exactly what characteristics are required by an object-
oriented approach, but they generally include four aspects: identity, classification,
polymorphism, and inheritance. (pp. 1)
The essence of object-oriented development is the identification and organization
of application-domain concepts, rather than their final representation in a
programming language. (pp. 4)
The rest of the book is organized into three parts. The first describes the various types of models
used by the OMT methodology. The second part presents the OMT methodology, which includes
methods for analysis, system design and object design. The third part discusses various
implementation issue, such as establishing an appropriate programming style, working with
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object-oriented languages, and working with non-object-oriented languages and using relational
The following section provide notes of OMT modeling concepts and the OMT methodology.
Sections 3 and 4 lists the strengths and weaknesses of OMT. The Appendix contains a complete
OSA model of OMT modeling concepts and the OMT methodology.
OMT Models
The OMT methodology uses three kinds of models to describe a system:
Object model - describes the objects in the system and their relationships;
Dynamic model - describes the interactions among objects in the system; and
Functional model - describes the data transformations of the system.
The components of each of these models is briefly described below.
2.1.1 Object model components
An object is a concept, abstraction, or thing with crisp boundaries and meaning for the
problem at hand. All objects have identity and are distinguishable. pp 21
It is not clear whether or not an object can belong to more than one class. The solid
triangle notation for generalization/specialization relationships means that the
specializations are intersecting sets. This implies that objects can belong to more than
one class. However, much of the discussion on objects, classes, and dynamic models, as
well as the notation for object instances, leads the reader to believe that an object can
belong to only class.
A class describes a group of objects with similar properties (attributes), common behavior
(operations), common relationships to other objects, and common semantics (pp. 22).
Attributes and operations are specified for classes.
Class membership can be defined in two ways: implicitly by rule or explicitly by
Classes can also be considered objects, and therefore, they can be classified and
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generalized. A class can have class attributes and class operations (pp. 71)
An attribute is (represents) a data value which is held by the objects in a class. An
attribute should be a pure data value, not an object. Pure data values do not have identity
(pp. 23).
An operation is a function or transformation that may be applied to or by objects in a
class. The same operation may be defined for several different classes. However, the
signature (i.e. output type and formal parameter list) must be the same (pp. 25).
A method is the implementation of an operation for a class. The choice of which method
is invoked it solely determined by the target object. The parameters are not a factor in
determining which method is selected (pp. 25).
A link is a physical or conceptual connection between object instances. Links are order
tuples (pp. 27).
An association describes a group of links with common structure and common semantics.
Attributes and operations can be specified for associations. Basically, this allows one to
treat an association as a class (pp. 31).
Associations can have role names associated each class connection.
The links in an association can be ordered (pp. 35).
Associations can also have qualifiers on the class connections. qualifiers are special
attributes that reduce the effective multiplicity (pp. 35).
Multiplicity specifies how many instances of one class may relate to a single instance of
an associated class (pp. 30).
Multiplicity constraints can only be used with binary associations. Candidate keys have
to be used in n-ary relationships.
Multiplicity constraints together with candidate keys are not as powerful as participation
constraints and co-occurrence constraints.
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An aggregation is special type of association that represents a "part-of" relationship.
Aggregations are transitivity and anti-symmetric (pp. 37).
Operations can be specified to propagate along aggregation hierarchies (pp. 60).
A generalization is a relationship between a class and one or more refined versions of that
class. Generalization is transitive (pp. 39).
A generalization can have a discriminator, which is an attribute of an enumeration type
that indicates which property of an object is being abstracted by the generalization (pp.
A subclass may override a superclass feature by defining a feature with the same name
(pp. 42). An operation may be overridden for one of the following reasons: extension,
restriction, optimization, and convenience (pp. 64).
A generalization is not considered an association.
A concrete class is a class that will have members. An abstract class will not have any
direct instances. An abstract class can not be a leaf class on a generalization hierarchy
(pp. 61).
An instance of a class is an instance of all ancestors of the class (pp. 63).
A subclass can not change the signature of superclass’s operation (pp. 63).
A subclass may add new operations and attributes. This is called extension (pp. 63).
A subclass may constrain an ancestor attribute. This is called restriction (pp. 63).
Inheritance is a mechanism for sharing attributes and operations using a generalization
The dynamic model of a superclass is inherited by its subclasses. A subclass can have
its own states. The state diagram for the subclass must be a refinement of the state
diagram for the superclass (pp. 111).
A module is a logical construct for grouping classes, associations, and generalizations (pp.
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A sheet is portion of a model that fits on a single piece of paper (pp. 43).
Join Class:
A join class is a class that inherits features from more that one superclass. Conflict must
be solved in the implementation (pp 65).
Metadata is data that describes other data. Metadata can be incorporated in a model to
act a patterns for other data (pp. 69).
An instantiation relates a class to an instance. A class may be an instance of a metadata
Constraints are functional relationships between entities of an object model. The term
entity includes objects, classes, attributes, links, and associations (pp. 73).
Derived entities:
A derived object, link, or attribute is defined as a function of one or more objects, which
in turn may be derived (pp. 75).
A homomorphism is a mapping between two associations.
2.1.2 Dynamic model components
An event is something that happens at a point in time. It has no duration. Information
can be passed on an event (pp. 85).
An event can cause a change in state. This is called an event transition. Event
transitions can have conditions and actions associated with them.
Events can be classified and organized into a hierarchy (pp. 98).
The event hierarchy is independent of all generalization hierarchies (pp. 111).
A state is an abstraction of the attribute values and links of an object (pp. 87).
A state corresponds to the interval between two events received by an object. A state has
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duration (pp. 88).
A state is often associated with the value of an object satisfying some condition (pp. 88).
A state can have an activity, which is an action that take time (pp. 92).
A state can have entry, event and exit actions (pp. 101)
A state can have concurrent subparts (pp. 99).
State diagrams:
A state diagram relates states and events (pp. 89).
State diagrams can be nested. A single state can have subdiagrams associated with it (pp.
A nested state diagram is actually a form of generalization on states (pp. 96).
2.1.3 Functional model components
An action is a type of operation (pp. 131).
An action is a transformation that has side effects on the target object or other objects in
the system reachable from the target object (pp. 131).
An action has no duration in time; it is logically instantaneous (pp. 131).
An activity is a type of operation (pp. 131).
An activity is an operation to or by an object that has duration in time (pp. 132).
An actor is an active object that drives the data flow graph by producing or consuming
values (pp. 126).
Actors are explicit objects in the object model. Data flows to or from actors represent
operations on or by the objects (pp. 138).
A client object is the target object of an operation (pp. 138).
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A constraint shows the relationship between two objects at the same time or between two
values of the same object at different times (pp. 132).
A constraint between values of an object over time is called an invariant (pp. 133).
Control Flow:
A control flow is a Boolean value that affects whether a process is evaluated (pp. 129).
Data flow diagram:
A data flow diagram shows the functional relationships of the values computed by a
system, including input values, and output values, and internal data stores. A data flow
diagram contains processes that transform data, data flows that move data, actor objects
that produce and consume data, and data store objects that store data passively. pp 124
Data flows can copy values to multiple destinations (pp. 126)
Aggregate data flows can be split into the sub-parts (pp. 126).
Data flow diagrams can be nested. This is also called leveling.
Data store:
Data stores are passive objects that respond to queries and updates. Data stores are also
objects or attributes in the object model (pp. 138).
Data stores do not generate operations on their own but merely responds to requests to
store and access data (pp. 127).
Each leaf process is an operation (pp. 130). Each operation may be specified in various
ways, including the following:
mathematical functions;
table of input and output values;
equations specifying output in terms of input;
pre- and post-conditions;
decision tables;
natural language.
The specification of an operation includes a signature and a transformation. The signature
of all methods that implement an operation must match.
Non-trivial operations can be divided in three categories: queries, actions, and activities
(pp. 131).
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A process transforms data values. The lowest-level processes are pure functions without
side effects. A high-level process can be expanded into an entire data flow diagram.
A query is an operation that has no side effects on the externally visible state of any
object (pp. 131).
A query with no parameters is called a derived attribute (pp. 131).
A signature defines the interface to an operation; the arguments it requires and the values
it returns.
2.1.4 The relationships of types of models to each other
Relative to the functional model:
The object model shows the structure of the actors, data stores, and data flows.
The dynamic model shows the sequence in which processes are performed (pp.
Relative to the object model:
The functional model shows the operations on the classes and the arguments of
each operation. It therefore shows the supplier-client relationship among classes.
The dynamical model shows the states of each object and the operations that are
performed as it receives events and changes state (pp. 139).
Relative to the dynamic model:
The functional model shows the definitions of the leaf actions and activities that
are undefined with the dynamic model.
The object model shows what changes state and undergoes operations (pp. 139).
OMT Methodology
The OMT methodology covers the full software development life cycle. However, the book only
talks about analysis, design and some implementation. The methodology has the following
Analysis - The analyst builds a model of the real-world situation showing its
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important properties;
System Design - The system designer makes high-level decisions about the overall
architecture, including the subsystem organization;
Object Design - The object designer builds a design model containing data
structures and algorithms for object classes; and
Implementation - The object classes and relationships developed during object
design are finally translated into a particular programming language, database, or
hardware implementation (pp. 145).
2.2.1 OMT analysis
Analysis consists of iterating the following steps:
generating a problem statement,
building an Object Model,
building an Dynamic Model,
building an Functional Model,
Finding operations.
The problem statement is description of the system requirements. It includes: problem scope,
what is needed, application context, assumptions, and performance needs.
The step for constructing an object model as follows:
Identify objects and classes.
Write down all object and classes that come to mind.
Remove redundant, irrelevant or bad object classes.
Some attribute identification is done at this level.
Prepare a data dictionary.
Identify associations between objects.
Write down all associations that come to mind.
Remove redundant, irrelevant or bad associations.
If possible, reduce n-ary associated by making associated object classes
into link attributes.
Further specify association semantics.
Identify attributes of objects and links.
Identify object and link attributes.
Remove unnecessary and incorrect attributes.
Organize and simply object classes using inheritance.
Generalization/Specialization are used to specify inheritance, which is used
as a re-use mechanism.
Verify that access paths exist for likely queries.
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Iterate and refine the model.
Group classes in modules.
Dynamic analysis begins with looking for event - externally-visible stimuli and responses (pp.
For most problems, logical correctness depends on the sequences of interactions, not the exact
times of interactions. Real-time systems are not addressed in this book (pp. 169).
The following steps are performed in constructing the dynamic model: (pp. 170)
Prepare scenarios of typical interaction sequences.
major interactions
external display formats
information exchanges
special or exception cases
Identify events between objects.
Events include all signals, inputs, decisions, interrupts, transitions, and
actions to or from users to external devices (pp. 173).
An action by an object that transmits information is an event.
Prepare an event trace for each scenario.
Event traces are ordered lists of events between objects (pp. 173).
Event flow diagrams show events between a group of classes without
regard for sequence (pp. 173).
Build a state diagram.
Match events between objects to verify consistency.
Every event should have a sender and a receiver.
Paths starting with input events should match scenarios.
It is best to construct the functional model after the object model and dynamic model are
constructed (pp. 180).
The following steps are performed in constructing a functional model: (pp. 180)
Identify input and output values.
The input and output values are parameters of events between the system
and the outside world.
Build data flow diagrams showing functional dependencies.
Describe functions.
Identify constraints.
Specify optimization criteria.
Adding operations is the next major step. Operations can correspond to queries about attributes
or associations in the object, to events in the dynamic model, and to functions in the functional
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model (pp. 183).
The key operations are summarized in the object model. They are discovered through the
following step: (pp. 184)
Find operations from the object model.
reading and writing attribute values
reading and writing association links
Find operations from events.
Each event sent to an object corresponds to an operation.
The names of events are shown as the labels on the state transitions.
Find operations from state diagram actions and activities.
Find operations from functions.
Each function on the data flow diagram corresponds to an operation on an
Look at "Shopping list" operations.
"Shopping List" operations are behaviors that are suggested by the real-
world object, but not explicitly included in the problem statement.
Simplifying Operations.
use inheritance
When the analysis is complete, the model serves as the basis for the requirements and defines
the scope of future discourse (pp. 186).
The goal of the analysis is to fully specify the problem and application domain without
introducing a bias to any particular implementation, but it is impossible in practice to avoid all
taints of implementation (pp. 187).
This type of analysis involves some high level design activities.
2.2.2 OMT system design
During system design, decisions are made about how the problem will be solved. pp 199
System Design is the first design stage in which the basic approach to solving the problem is
selected (pp. 199).
The system architecture is the overall organization of the system into components called
subsystems (pp. 199).
During system design, the following decision have to be made:
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Organize the system into subsystems
Identify concurrency
Allocate subsystems to processors and tasks
Choose an approach for management of data stores
Handle access to global resources
Choose the implementation of control in software
Handle boundary conditions
Set trade-off priorities
2.2.3 OMT object Design
During object design, the details of the models are fleshed out. Object design provides a basis
for implementation (pp. 263). The following steps are preformed during object design: (pp. 263)
Obtain operations for the object model from the other models.
Find an operation for each process in the functional model.
Define an operation for each event in the dynamic model.
Design algorithms to implement operations.
Optimize access paths to data.
Implement software control by fleshing out the approach chosen during system
Adjust class structure to increase inheritance.
Design implementation of associations.
Determine the exact representation of object attributes.
Package classes and associations.
The models use fairly common ideas:
Object models are similar to ER models.
The dynamic model consists of state diagrams which are basic Harel
The function model consists of data flow diagrams.
The model constructs that offer good expressive power:
orderings on associations,
homomorphic mappings of associations,
derived Entities,
operation propagation through aggregations,
discriminators on generalizations,
patterns and instantiation relationships,
data dictionary,
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parameters on events, and
entry and exit actions on states.
The meta-model can be extended in a seamless manner.
The models and the method lack a theoretical foundation.
The role and use of data flow diagrams seems to detract from the object-oriented
The syntax of the models are not well defined.
Sharing of model components among different models or versions of a
model is not clear. For example, can a state diagram be part of more than
one dynamic model?
It is not clear whether or not an object can belong to more than one class.
The definition of an object instance seems to imply that an object can only
belong to one class. However, since a non-overlapping properties can be
specified for generalizations, it seems like objects can belong to more than
one class.
Events are supposed to be instantaneous. However, the behavior of an
event can be described by a state diagram. The semantics of such a
diagram is not clear. Is the event an execution of the entire diagram or the
turning on of a final state?
Module is not well defined. In some places it is described as set of
classes. In other places it described as consisting of classes, associations
and generalizations.
Are events labeled or are classes of events labeled?
The syntax of state subdiagrams is not well defined in relation to "do"
The syntax of the global event flow diagrams is not well defined.
The syntax of the system design document is not well defined.
The following model constructs are missing that would enhance expressive power:
High-Level Classes
High-Level Associations
Participation Constraints
Co-occurrence Constraints
Class Cardinality Constraints
The meta-model contains redundancy.
Allowing attributes on an association is redundant with treating the
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associations as class.
To many design decisions are forced or biased during analysis
Attributes may be defined too early in the development process. (Note: it
does seem that Rumbaugh encourages the delaying of attribute definition
until after the association have been identified.)
The choice of data access paths and candidate keys may be too early.
Encapsulation of operations and data seems weak, particularly when the data flow
diagrams are use heavily. The specification of operations are spread across three
different models.
The splitting and synchronization of control in a state diagram is limited.
Multiplicity constraints can not be generalized to n-ary association.
The method tends to use state diagrams as little more than flow charts.
Qualifiers on associations are not sufficiently expressive.
constraints on n-ary relationship sets are better. Also, the use of a qualifier may
force the definition of an attribute to early.
Generalization is not treated as a association. This adds to the complexity of the
The ending point for analysis, system design, and object design can be better
defined in terms of what constitutes a completed Object Design Document.
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David W. Embley, Barry D. Kurtz, Scott N. Woodfield, Object-oriented Analysis: A
Model-driven Approach, Prentice Hall, 1992
James Rumbaugh, Michael Blaha, William Premerlani, Frederick Eddy, and William
Lorensen, Object-oriented Modeling and Design, Prentice Hall, 1991
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An OSA model of OMT
The following figures contain an Object-oriented System Analysis (OSA) model for OMT. This
OSA model is intended to assist someone familiar with OSA in understanding the details of
OMT. It is not intended to be a substitute for reading Object-oriented Modeling and Design.
Furthermore, this OSA model focuses on only the structure of OMT models and typically order
of activities prescribed by the OMT method. It does not deal with notational conventions, model
semantics, or method heuristics.
Figure Description
Figure No.
Analysis Document
OMT Analysis Document Overview
Object Diagram: Objects and Links
Object Diagram: Classes and Associations
Object Diagram: Operations
Object Diagram: Attributes
Object Diagram: Aggregation
Object Diagram: Association Classes
Object Diagram: Generalization
Object Diagram: Modules and Sheets
Object Diagram: Abstract Classes and Concrete Classes
Object Diagram: Meta Data
Object Diagram: Candidate Keys
Object Diagram: Constraints
Class Diagrams and Instance Diagrams
Data Dictionary
State Diagram: States, Events, and Transitions
State Diagram: Internal Actions
State Generalization
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Figure Description
Figure No.
Event Generalization
Concurrent Subdiagrams
Global Event Flow Diagrams
Data Flow Diagrams: Processes, Actors, Data Stores and Data Flows
Data Flow Diagrams: Control Flows
Data Flow Diagrams: Operations
OMT Method: Analysis (Systems Analyst’s Behavior)
Analysis Overview
Develop Models
Develop Object Model
Develop Dynamic Model
Develop Functional Model
System Design Document
System Design Document Overview
Basic System Architecture
OMT Method: System Design (Systems Designer’s Behavior)
System Design Overview
Object Design Document
Object Design Document Overview
OMT Method: Object Design (Object Designer’s Behavior)
Object Design Overview
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Figure 1
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Figure 2
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Figure 3
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Figure 4
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Figure 5
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Figure 6
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Figure 7
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Figure 8
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Figure 9
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Figure 10
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Figure 11
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Figure 12
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Figure 13
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Figure 14
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Figure 15
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Figure 16
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Figure 17
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Figure 18
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Figure 19
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Figure 20
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Figure 21
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Figure 22
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Figure 23
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Figure 24
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Figure 25
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Figure 26
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Figure 27
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Figure 28
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Figure 29
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Figure 30
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Figure 31
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Figure 32
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Figure 33
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Figure 34
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Figure 35
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